
Le lundi 8 septembre 2003 à 10h20 du matin disparaissaient Jaclyn Linetsky et Vadim Schneider, tout deux acteurs de talent et appréciés de tous, à seulement 17 ans.

Ce recueil réuni tous les poèmes que j'ai écrit pour eux. J'espère que cet espace leur rendra hommage et honorera leur mémoire.

A eux. Aujourd'hui, demain et pour toujours.

Si je devais résumer votre vie, ce serait sans doute avec ces mots : joie, puissance, brillance.

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Au grand soleil

Tu t'amuses dans la nuit
Curieux et insouciant
Tu es cette lumière dans cette vie
Heureux, heureux et tellement brillant
Et à l'aube tu t'éveilles
dans un repos éternel

Et au grand soleil tu es resplendissant
Comme une étincelle qui brille
Au grand soleil tu es éblouissant
Tu es cette étoile qui scintille
Cette âme de feu si pur
Au grand soleil

Tu représentes ce bonheur qui n'existe pas
Tu virevoltes, léger et frivole
Tu rends les choses plus légères à chacun de tes pas
Tu nous caresses tel un baiser
Si doux, si vrai

Et au grand soleil tu rayonnes
Comme un ange innocent
Au grand soleil tu bourdonnes
Une étincelle flamboyante
Doux et entier semblable à l'océan
Au grand soleil

Tu vis ton rêve en toute simplicité
Joyeux et souriant
Tu savoures entièrement ta liberté
Tu respires de chaque instants
Avec cette chaleur qui est tienne
Et cette élégance pur et certaine

Et au grand soleil tu es resplendissant
Comme une étincelle qui brille
Au grand soleil tu es éblouissant
Tu es cette étoile qui scintille
Cette âme de feu si pur
Au grand soleil

When I see you

Dedicated to Jaclyn and Vadim

With Love

When I see your smile
I forget my pain
When I see your face
I stop to cry
When I hear your voice
The world don't turn anymore
When I see all what you did
I think “My dear Children”
When I watch you on screen
I just admire you
When I look a picture of you
I note how much your eyes shine
When I see you so happy
I know that Heaven exist
When I hear your laugh
I know that I won't never forget you
When I think about all these people who still think of you
I'm sure that you won't never be totally gone
When I look all what you let
I know that you're still there

When I see you
I remember how much I love you

En souvenir ...

Stars on Earth, Angels in Heaven ..

To them, today, tomorrow and forever ...


"He looked like a prince and like a tennis player too. He was an handsom boy, wonderful."
~Karen Troubetzkoy

You will never meet a child as happy as Vadim was.
~Paolo Barzman

He appreciated every day that went by. His contagious smile, his words full of serenity and optimism. I couldn’t desire a better friend. You’re a hero. You enriched our lives and I had the privilege to have known you. I love you, Vadim, my best friend.
~Meaghan Rath

He had four smaller brothers and he was a hero to all of them, the big brother.
~Max Walker

This luminous young man accommodated you in his light, received you in his joy which then became also yours. He liked the life passionately, in spite of the dark grimaces of this one. He tried to understand the least comprehensible springs of them.
Vadim could see, could look at, sought to understand the difficult one and incomprehensible exemption from payment of certain spites. He loved his characters even least pleasant. He could sympathize with them without to excuse the inexcusable one.
~Mr Valiquette

What I want to retain of Vadim, it is that he will have known to live with passion the little of time that the life will have granted to him. The life of Vadim will have been short, a flash, but it also will have been fully filled. He will have had time to live some of his greater dreams. He will have been formidably liked by his parents, his brothers, his friends, those which will have mixed with him. This famous young man as discrete as bright will have added to our lives, with my life. Goodbye, Vadim.
~Mr Valiquette

He had a big charisma and always was a big worker.


"Jaclyn was a very sweet, wonderful child, good-hearted and charming. She loved people, and she made everyone feel like they were important."
~Debbie Scott

We adored her, she impressed us so much. She made us think about a young Mary Tyler Moore. When she appeared on the screen she took up all the space, she had an immense charisma. She really had a gift for theatre.
~Derek Schreyer

Her talent made her special, but her personality was what made her a unique girl. No day goes by when we don’t think of her. She inspires us, she enriched our lives and those of many other people, in so many different ways. She was a blessed child, who blessed us with her presence. We’re still blessed.
~Karen Linetsky

Jacky was perfect, she was flawless. No one will ever convince me otherwise.
~Max Walker

Jaclyn was a rising television star. Beautiful, vital, bright and effervescent.
~David Lazarus

Every day I would get my hug and the little whisper..."I love you Mrs.W..I mean..Leslie..."
Jackie was a wonderful girl, who got along with everyone. She never fought. She was a good student, and a kind girl.She was generous, and always a smile on her face!
~Leslie W.

Jaclyn Linetsky was a remarkable, accomplished young woman who touched the hearts of each and everyone with whom she came into contact.
Nevertheless, in the seventeen years she was with us, she accomplished more than many have in an entire lifetime.

Jaclyn was a bright, vivacious, happy individual whose infectious giggle, radiant smile and joie de vivre were her essence. She was a warm, giving, sincere, generous and loving daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin and friend. She had maturity and wisdom beyond her years. She was compassionate, loyal and thoughtful and those around her were enriched by her presence.


He was so god damned beautiful, she was so damn beautiful.
~Max Walker

They were both the heroes of the household, they were both idolised but anyone they knew, including me.
~Max Walker

We keep them alive in our hearts and as long as we remember them they'll never go away.
~Max Walker

"I don't cease to look at the sky because since this 8th September 2003 shine the most beautiful stars."


I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same

Il y a eu un accident. Peu de temps après le tournoi de Hampstead, un avion s'est écrasé aux environs de l'île de White, au large des cotes anglaises. Megan et Sébastien étaient parmi les passagers. Il n'y a aucun survivant.


♥ JV ♥

Docmentaire / Documentary

Jaclyn Linetsky et Vadim Schneider : Du sourire aux larmes [documentaire -fr]

Un aperçu de la bande annonce et du documentaire "Jaclyn Linetsky et Vadim Schneider : Du sourire aux larmes"

Le parcours et la vie non ordinaires des deux stars montantes canadiennes Jaclyn Linetsky et Vadim Schneider. L'histoire et le souvenir de ces deux jeunes adolescents. Le destin de la fraiche et talentueuse actrice Jaclyn Linetsky avec un sourire constant et du charmant et souriant artiste complet Vadim Schneider.
Ainsi que cet inoubliable 8 septembre 2003 qui a tout changé.
Ces deux jeunes talents, ces personnalités que l'on ne pourra jamais oublier.


Jaclyn Linetsky and Vadim Schneider : Smile to Tears [documentary -en]

A preview of the trailer and documentary “Jaclyn Linetsky and Vadim Schneider : Smile to Tears“

The destiny and life of the two Canadian rising stars Jaclyn Linetsky and Vadim Schneider. The story and the memory of these two young teenagers. The destiny of the fresh and talented actress Jaclyn Linetsky with a constant smile and the charming and smiling complete artist Vadim Schneider.
As this unforgettable September 8th, 2003 which changed everything.
These two young talents, these personalities who will be never be forgotten.



Dans 60 ans

Dans 60 ans, ou peut être plus
Je vous reverrai enfin
Je pourrai finalement être à vos cotés
Je serai libérée de toute cette douleur enfouie
Cette peine ne sera plus qu'un mauvais souvenir
Je connaitrai le repos et la sérénité éternelle

Dans 60 ans, ou peut être moins
Je verrai enfin ce jour béni arriver
Je pourrais libérer ce ''je vous aime'' que mon coeur renferme
Vous serez tout près et je pourrais vous prendre dans mes bras
Je n'aurais plus peur et vous sourirez
Vous serez là et tout ira bien

Dans 60 ans ou presque
Je m'envolerai vers vous
Je vous chercherez et si Dieu le veut je vous trouverez
Je n'aurai plus ce lourd poids en moi et je serai soulagée
Ce secret s'envolera et ces années de souffrances auront un sens
Je vous verrai et je me sentirai mieux

Dans 60 ans peut être
Je serai fière de ce que j'aurai accompli pour vous
J'aurai un autre regard sur la vie et j'accourrai vers vous
Je ne vous aurai toujours pas oublié et cet amour sera des plus vivace
Je pourrai enfin vous crier combien je vous aime et vous dire merci un million de fois
Je vous admirerai et vous direz ''I missed you''

Dans 60 ans, on se retrouvera
Et tout ira mieux